Together with our partners, we carry out projects to sponsor art and artists. The projects allow creative artists to come into contact with other individuals working in creative fields and with art lovers, to develop new perspectives, and not least of all, to generate income. Our partners and sponsors support and honor the work of cultural production, and, through artoffer, they help to reveal the hidden treasure of artwork by as yet unknown artists.
The artoffer community
Artists need an audience. Whether they meet with approval or rejection, admiration or criticism, they need dialogue and feedback. Particularly for young and unknown artists, it is increasingly difficult to come into contact with a real-life audience and to gain recognition. Today, social media offer the most efficient way possible of directly reaching millions around the globe. As pioneers in the field, artoffer has been engaged since the 1990s in promoting art in accordance with our vision: in a way that is accessible to everyone. Innovative. And above all: effective. We welcome artists, art lovers and all interested Internet users who enjoy beauty and creativity to our community and to our site.